Friday, February 3, 2012

FSA Consultation Paper on Amendments to the Listing Rules, Prospectus Rules, Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules

Financial Services Authority, UK has tabled consultation paper on Amendments to the Listing Rules,
Prospectus Rules, Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules.

This consultation paper sets out proposals for changes to the Listing Rules to ensure that they reflect properly recent changes in market practices and so allow the UK Listing Authority (UKLA) to meet its objectives of:
• providing an appropriate degree of protection for investors in listed securities;
• facilitating access to listed markets for a broad range of enterprises; and
• seeking to maintain the integrity and competitiveness of UK markets for listed securities.

Present consultation paper focusing on the changes that are required as a matter of priority to ensure that the operational effectiveness of the Listing Regime is maintained. The principal areas in which we are proposing changes are:
• reverse takeovers;
• sponsors;
• transactions;
• financial information; and
• externally managed companies.

The Financial Services Authority invites comments on this Consultation Paper. Comments should reach us by 26 April 2012.

1 comment:

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