Monday, February 20, 2012

CPPS-IOSCO Release Final Report on OTC Derivatives Data Reporting and Aggregation Requirements

The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) of the Bank for International Settlements and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) have published their “Report on OTC derivatives data reporting and aggregation requirements”.

The report deals with the data on over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transactions that should be collected, stored and disseminated by trade repositories (TRs). It stresses that by centralising these data, TRs will be able to provide authorities and the public with better and more timely information. This will make OTC derivatives markets more transparent, help prevent market abuse and promote financial stability.

The final report reflects comments received in response to a consultative version published in August 2011. It was expanded in light of the consultation exercise in order to explore possible options for addressing data gaps.

The report was also updated to reflect recent international advances made by the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) working group, under the auspices of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), in support of a request made at the G20 Cannes summit to advance the development of a global LEI. Another aim of these international efforts is to assist with implementation of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation.

However, as the report points out, questions remain about how best to address data gaps and determine which authorities should have access to TRs. As requested by the G20, two internationally coordinated working groups will address these issues in the course of the year. The FSB will set up an ad hoc group of experts to further explore means of filling data gaps, and the CPSS and IOSCO will form a joint group to study authorities’ access to TR data.

The report responds to Recommendation 19 of the FSB report of 19 October 2010 titled “Implementing OTC Derivatives Market Reforms”, which called on CPSS and IOSCO to consult with the authorities and the OTC Derivatives Regulators Forum in developing:

- minimum data reporting requirements and standardised formats, and
- the methodology and mechanism for data aggregation on a global basis. The final report was due at end 2011.
The requirements and data formats will apply both to market participants that report to TRs and to TRs reporting to regulators and the public. The report also finds that some information not currently supported by TRs would be helpful in assessing systemic risk and financial stability. It puts forward several options for bridging these data gaps.

Issues concerning data access for authorities and reporting entities are discussed, including methods and tools that could facilitate authorities’ access to data. The report emphasises that public dissemination of data helps all stakeholders to better understand OTC derivatives markets, facilitates the exercise of market discipline and underpins investor protection.

The report also deals with the mechanisms and tools that authorities will need to aggregate OTC derivatives data.

Follow these links to download the report from the BIS or IOSCO websites:

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