This is an official speech published on Monetary Authority of Singapore website.
The Financial Holding Companies Bill introduces a regulatory
framework for the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to regulate
financial holding companies (FHCs) and their financial groups. For the
purpose of the Bill, an FHC is a non-operating holding company which is
incorporated in Singapore and holds a Singapore bank or insurance
subsidiary, or both.
The FHC Bill will provide greater clarity to the industry and
other stakeholders on the rules and standards applicable to financial
groups organised under FHCs in Singapore. It is common for
internationally active financial groups to be organised under holding
companies. As Singapore develops as an international financial centre,
more global banks and insurance companies are locating parts of their
global operations in Singapore. At the same time, our domestic financial
institutions are growing regionally and some may find a holding company
structure more suited to their purpose.
The Bill will clarify and ensure appropriate MAS’ prudential
oversight of financial groups in Singapore. Group-wide supervision
allows MAS to assess the impact that a financial institution’s
relationships with other entities in the group may have on its safety
and soundness. The concept of group supervision is of course not new.
Financial groups in Singapore are mostly headed by banks, and are
already subject to group-wide supervision by MAS. The Bill extends
group-wide supervision by MAS to an FHC and its financial group. It is
aimed at mitigating intra-group contagion risks, preventing the multiple
use of capital within the group, and limiting concentration risks at
the group level.
The FHC Bill is in line with international regulatory
developments. Key international supervisory committees such as the Joint
Forum have called for greater oversight of unregulated entities in
financial groups, in particular the parent FHC.2 The IMF has
also cited the limited legal authority over FHCs of cross-sector
financial groups as a weakness in some financial systems. Many
regulators are therefore widening their scope of group-wide supervision
to include FHCs, either directly through an FHC regulatory framework or
indirectly through a regulated entity like a bank or insurance
subsidiary. Australia, Canada and the US are among the countries that
have established legal frameworks for FHCs. The EU is moving in the same
direction of strengthening regulatory authority over FHCs.
However, the introduction of this Bill does not mean that MAS is
advocating a holding company structure for financial institutions in
Singapore. Whether a financial group organises itself under an FHC or is
held directly by a bank or insurance company is a business decision.
MAS, as the financial regulator, needs to ensure that all financial
groups in Singapore, regardless of their holding structure, can be
effectively regulated and supervised under an appropriate regulatory
MAS has consulted the industry on the FHC regulatory framework.
The first consultation in February 2012 sought views on the broad policy
and regulatory principles underpinning the framework. The second
consultation in October 2012 invited comments on the draft FHC Bill. MAS
has considered the views and feedback received and taken them into
account in refining the FHC Bill, where appropriate.
Mdm Speaker, let me expand on the key provisions of the Bill.
FHC Bill Complements Banking and Insurance Acts
The FHC Bill draws upon the same regulatory toolkit as in the
Banking Act (BA) and Insurance Act (IA). These tools will include
requiring regulatory approval for acquiring or holding of major
shareholdings in an FHC; putting in place limits on an FHC’s credit and
investment exposures, and giving MAS powers relating to key
appointments, supervision, and inspection.
Scope of Regulation
The Bill does not require every FHC in Singapore to be regulated
by MAS. Unlike banks and insurance companies, an FHC is a non-operating
holding company, and will not engage in financial transactions directly
with the public. It may also not be exposed to the same risks that a
bank or insurance company may encounter in the course of business. In
deciding which FHCs to regulate, MAS will consider how the regulation of
the FHC and its financial group can enhance the effectiveness of
prudential oversight of the financial group.
The FHC Bill sets out the following criteria by which MAS will
assess whether an FHC should be designated for regulation.
(a) Ultimate parent of Singapore financial groups MAS
will regulate an FHC if it is the ultimate parent of a financial group
with a bank or insurance subsidiary in Singapore. In such cases, MAS is
the home supervisor of the financial group and has responsibility for
group-wide supervision of the financial group.
(b) Intermediate FHCs within financial groupsThere
are FHCs that are themselves subsidiaries of a parent FHC or financial
institution. For these intermediate FHCs, MAS will assess the importance
of the FHC’s bank or insurance subsidiary to Singapore’s financial
system, or to the intermediate FHC group, when deciding whether to
regulate the FHC. For foreign-owned FHCs, an additional consideration
will be the extent to which the parent holding company incorporated
overseas is subject to effective group-wide supervision by its home
MAS will list the names of FHCs designated for regulation in an order published in the Gazette.
While FHCs that are not designated will not be regulated under
the FHC Bill, MAS may require these FHCs to provide information
necessary for MAS’ surveillance and supervision functions.
Control of Shareholdings
Major shareholders of an FHC may be in a position to exercise
indirect influence or control over its bank or insurance subsidiaries
through their shareholding interests in the FHC. Hence it is necessary
to require shareholders with substantial or controlling interests in
designated FHCs to obtain approval for their shareholding interests,
just as the BA and IA currently require for significant stakes in
Singapore-incorporated banks and insurance companies. The shareholding
and control thresholds at which approval will be required will be
consistent with existing thresholds under the BA and the IA. MAS will
consider whether the shareholders are “fit-and-proper” and the nature of
their likely influence over the conduct of the FHC when assessing
applications for approval.
It is also vital that the directors and senior management of the
designated FHC carry out their functions in a responsible and prudent
manner. The FHC Bill provides for the application of corporate
governance regulations on the FHC.
Regulation and Supervision of FHC Groups
Besides regulatory requirements on the designated FHC itself,
the FHC Bill sets out requirements at the FHC group level. To achieve
alignment in the regulatory approach towards financial groups, whether
they are held under a bank, an insurance company or a designated FHC,
regulatory requirements under the BA and IA will be mirrored in the FHC
Bill, where appropriate. The FHC’s bank and insurance subsidiaries in
Singapore will continue to be regulated under the BA and IA,
The FHC Bill empowers MAS to prescribe rules to support the
safety and soundness of the FHC group. Several of these rules are also
present in the BA and IA and will be extended to designated FHCs. The
FHC Bill also provides for MAS to conduct on-site inspections and
investigations of the FHC and its subsidiaries.
Administrative Provisions
Further, to support MAS’ administration of the FHC regulatory
and supervisory framework, the FHC Bill contains administrative
provisions, including powers to:
- make regulations, and issue directions and notices to designated FHCs;
- require the submission of annual audited accounts of the FHC and FHC group; and
- impose penalties on the FHC and individuals for the contravention of FHC regulations.
Mdm Speaker, let me conclude. Singapore’s financial system has
held up well amid the turbulence of the global financial crisis of the
past few years. It is important that MAS continues to have the
appropriate and necessary regulatory tools to discharge its
responsibilities as the financial landscape evolves. The introduction of
the FHC Bill represents the continuous effort by MAS to ensure its
regulations stay relevant to developments and challenges in the
financial system.