Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Prosperous Happy New Year Ahead...

Very happy merry christmas and prosperous happy new year to one and all.As we are planning to welcome a new decade can not stop me to wright about last dacade. If i think about importance of last dacade for India,can n't ignore a dacade of new opening doors for developing immature libaral economic democaracy,both with achievements and challenges.
it can't be ignored that modern Indian economy which was changed its nature in 90s from License Raj to more western liberal economy with limited roles of government, has stand with challenges of effectiveness of social responsibility of large corporations and government.
Marx has honestly and firmly said that economic nature and activities of human nature govern social and political life of the state, and thus if such nature is more individualist it would difficualt to have communist state with more social responsibility of each of the member of society.
I hope new dacade shall come with exception of Marx theory for wellbeing of public at large.
Again wishing a merry christmas and happy new year....